Back in 2013, Sheryl Sandberg, a very strong business woman and COO of Facebook, challenged women to overcome society's barriers and strive for leadership. At the same time, I recognized that internal barriers—negative beliefs, limiting emotional blocks—are just as powerful in holding strong women back. This realization led to the creation of my True Woman's Power workshop, which focuses on breaking free from those internal barriers. Like Sandberg, my mission is to help women step up, reclaim their voices, and pursue their dreams unapologetically.

We Need Empowered Women Now More Than Ever
Sheryl Sandberg, the COO of Facebook and author of Lean In (Women, Work and the Will to Lead), points out that women still only make 77 cents as compared to a man’s $1 an hour. Out of 195 independent countries, only 17 are led by women. Of the Fortune 500 CEO’s, only 21 are women. And she feels that the woman’s movement begun in the 60’s has been stuck and on hold for the past twenty years.
Internal And Societal Barriers To Becoming A Powerful Woman
Women are hindered by barriers that exist within ourselves, Women unintentionally hold ourselves back in our careers and throughout our lives. We have internalized the negative messages we got from our parents and society. Here are some of those negative beliefs.
It’s wrong for a girl to be outspoken.
It’s wrong for a girl to be more powerful that a man.
Women have to compromise their career goals for a relationship and family.
Women have to lower their expectations of what they want to achieve in life.
Women have to hold themselves back.
Women can’t aspire to the top executive positions.
How to Become A Strong Confident Woman
Here are some things every woman who wants to become a powerful
begin stepping up
seek challenges
take risks
speak your truth
offer your opinion
define your goal, values, and dreams
be ambitious and pursue your goals and dreams with gusto
be willing to climb the career ladder of success with confidence
seek out higher levels of responsibility
aspire to achieve personal fulfillment
Sheryl goes on to state that, “Our internal barriers deserve a lot more attention to better understand exactly what is holding us back from fulfilling our potential."
Getting rid of these internal barriers is critical for our success.
Transform Your Limiting Beliefs into Empowering Actions
For the past thirty years Sandy Levey-Lunden, the author of this post, has been addressing the issues of becoming a strong powerful woman in her True Woman’s Power workshop. Thousands of women have learned what they need to let go of in order to achieve their full potential. What wrong beliefs and limiting emotional blocks have to be released in order for women to successfully attain their goals and dreams. It's important to develop the self confidence to “Lean In” to the world, step up, and speak out. But as Sheryl Sandberg, COO of Facebook correctly points out, it is equally important to investigate and get rid of those internal barriers that stifle us in the first place. My three day course specifically looks at these issues and empowers women to permanently overcome whatever is standing in their way to a women's true power.
Whatever you can dream you can achieve. Boldness has genius. Power and magic in it. Begin now.