The Art of Personal Marketing
A workshop Sandy has been teaching for over 25 years, designed to help you find your mission, vision, and purpose, overcome self-limiting ideas about success and money, and how to pursue your heart's desire with passion. You will fall in love with the process of marketing yourself, your ideas, your services, and your contribution to the world.
Give yourself the gift to expand and discover that ANYTHING'S POSSIBLE!
Now, more than ever, the world needs the unique gifts that each person has to give. Are you contributing to the world in a way that uses your whole self fully, in a way that gives your life passion, fulfillment and meaning? What provides you with the financial abundance you deserve?
The Art of Personal Marketing is a workshop designed to help you find the MISSION, VISION and PURPOSE of your life. This workshop will assist you in clarifying your direction and inspire you to pursue your heart's desire with conviction.
Discover that you CAN align your passion, purpose and deepest values of who you are to create a fit with what you do. Discover that you CAN manifest your purpose in a form that earns money. Discover that you CAN create work you love and have lasting abundance.
If you deal with people in your personal life, in your career, or in the world, you are constantly marketing your ideas, your desires and your services, whether you know it or not.
Your successes in your career and personal life depend on how well you "market" yourself-how well you are able to convey the value and benefit of your ideas and services-first to yourself and then to others.
find out what your real inner goals are.
discover how to break though your obstacles to success and get what you want.
discover your true purpose in life.
overcome self-limiting ideas about money, success and power.
present yourself so that others want what you have to offer.
achieve your goals with no struggle and no resistance.
use the power of intuition and love to put yourself across.
generate more clients the low cost way.
take action to make your dreams come true.
Bring all your marketing materials (brochures, flyers, business cards) and use them as part of the training to make money for yourself there and then. If you are already doing what you love and not making money, you may find out why.
Next Workshop Date:
Interested in hosting this workshop in your area? Call Sandy now! (360) 527-2796