The Power of Clearing Coaches Around the World
Sandy's professional and talented team members are a very important part of her successful work. Many of her courses have the very rare offering of one facilitator for every two participants! This is vital in revealing the deeper processes. They are indeed miracle workers!

Sandy Levey-Lunden
"When we don't deal with the trauma left behind from abuse and misperceptions, we live in a cloud of fear, guilt and negativity," Sandy explains. "That guilt and fear cements repeated patterns of behavior, which perpetuates an increasing downward cycle of poor health, failed relationships and negative thinking." Sandy's masterful approach helps participants to relearn communication skills and transform their lives. She states, "By changing our beliefs, we reconnect to the deeper awakenings of how our thinking controls us," and quotes Wayne Dyer, "When we change the way we look at things, the things we look at change." Contact Sandy anytime, (360) 527-2796, onpurpose@sandylevey.com

Len Satov, British Columbia, Canada
Len's specialty is in assisting others to realize and then embrace the truth of who they really are. Through his own experiences of opening and awakening over 30 years, he skillfully leads in allowing limiting beliefs to be recognized and gently released. He provides the at-home tools to continue to nourish the emergence of one's true self through time. His varied background includes senior management positions in the private and public sectors of education, and extensively in personal and professional development. For information or to book a session, call: (604) 974-0074

Valerie Shahan, Washington, USA
Valerie has a life passion to help people. As she worked her own path she learned about grounding, clearing chakras, meditating, using affirmations, power word work, Emotional Freedom Therapy (EFT), The Power of Clearing and Liberating Breath (Rebirthing, Conscious Breathing). Now she seeks to help each individual find their way to knowing exactly who they are and experience their own joy in realizing it. For inquiry or to book an appointment, call (360) 384-1281, www.innerspiritclearing.com

Gillian Hibbs, England
Gillian comes to the POCC team from a Laban-based dance background. A recurring experience and realization has been that the process of creating dances brings deeply-held emotions to the surface. Now there is a jewel of a tool and great comforter at hand through the Power of Clearing process. With psychology and multi-cultural studies within her first degree, and personal healing as a result of Sandy Levey-Lunden's powerful courses, Gillian is delighted to be part of the process as a coach.

Sue Reynard, England
My mission is to encourage everyone to live in their Truth, in the knowledge that we are all the same, perfect beings, eternally connected through Truth and Love.
Sandy Levey-Lunden's Clearing process is a fantastic tool which has enabled me to release past feelings of guilt, inadequacy, lack of connection and unworthiness, and to feel free, unlimited and one with everyone else. My aim is to teach others this process to bring peace to the world.

Miriam Evers, British Columbia, Canada
Miriam Evers is an international follow-your-bliss coach, speaker and trainer. Her coaching, workshops and teleclasses help you work with your own energy and the power of magnetism to draw things into your life in the fastest, easiest way possible. Choose joy first and you will effortlessly attract all of the exceptional people, resources and experiences you desire to live a glorious life.

Denise Leppard, Nova Scotia, Canada
Denise is an energetic teacher with the gift of inspiring and motivating others, developed innovative techniques to help people identify and transform personal issues that serve as barriers, and move them forward in their lives, relationships and careers. Denise graduated Suma Cum Laude in Sociology and is an adult educator. Her educational background also includes Psychology, Women's Studies, International Development, and Criminology. leppard@hfx.eastlink.ca (902) 446-5899

Oriana Howes, England
Oriana helps others to grow and expand, working with them to uncover and clear what's in the way of them leading happy, abundant and fulfilled lives. She supports them as they journey into ever-deepening self-awareness, acting as a guide and messenger for the voice of Truth. Using the Clearing Process as an integral and powerful component, she offers transformational work which takes place within the heart and not the mind, and also offers Soul readings. Oriana is based in Bucks, UK and works via Skype, over the phone, and also in person. Please contact her on +44 (7711) 698739 www.orianahowes.co.uk

Deanna Jayne, Massachusetts, USA
Deanna practices sustainable, wholistic community living and conscious communication. Her primary spiritual practice is A Course In Miracles. She is a certified meditation and yoga teacher and healer of the Shiva/Shakti Divine energy channels. With a focus on mind/body/spirit connectedness, and her belief that food is medicine she also practices nutritional consulting with organic juice cleanses, provides raw food products and teaches Living food workshops. As a personal chef she also works closely with Sandy to provide healthy meals for her On Purpose courses worldwide.

Iona Leishman, Scotland
Iona has been training and working with Sandy Levey-Lunden since 2013, recognizing with huge relief that this powerful work can release us all from what no longer serves us in this world. Guilt, shame, sadness and fear that keep us feeling small, frightened and powerless, can be let go at a cellular level through this gentle, effective work. Iona now works face to face and online as a Clearing Coach with individuals and groups. She brings to her work a sensitive and intuitive understanding in helping a person move through their pain and confusion into peace and acceptance. She is a professional visual artist who works in oil paint, knowing that Power of Clearing deeply informs her art. Read this incredible news article about Iona. You can reach her by email at iona@ionaleishman.co.uk.